Up (上)


《上》 這相片是《信》的延續。如相片所示,階梯的盡頭是一幅牆。面對這牆,是否就不上階梯,或是應該跑上去嘗試把這高牆推倒或攀越呢?

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (19)

Up: This is a sequel of Faith.  Contrasting to its underlying meaning, viewers can now see that there is a wall on top of the staircase.  Does it mean that we don’t go up? Or, should we at least get up there and try to knock down that wall?

Up (上)

Up (上)

Faith (信)

《信》 爸爸的那一代來到香港都有一個信念:「只要努力工作,下一代的生活就會比上一代好。」這亦是後來美國喬治城大學的Carroll Quigley 教授所歸納的「Future Preference。」當我沖曬這相片時,我想起美國黑人人權領袖馬丁路德金博士曾經說過的:「儘管看不清階梯的盡頭,仍然踏上第一級就是憑着一份信念。

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (18)
Faith: Many of my father's generation came to Hong Kong with nothing but a hope -- if they worked hard, the next generation would be better than theirs. This belief was later known as the "Future Preference" coined by Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University.  When I processed this photograph, I came to appreciate what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

Faith (信)

Faith (信)

Trap (困)

《困》 蜘蛛用絲結成的蜘蛛網是用以捕捉獵物,人類在居所以鐵枝築成窗花以保護自己。可是,人有時卻以窗花把自已困起來:這大概就是少年時期的爸爸於祖母(最後一個至親)去世後,一夜變成孤兒的感受。

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (17)

Trap: Spiders build web to catch insets, human beings build fence to protect ourselves from intruders. It’s the irony that we somehow trap ourselves.  It certainly was how father felt when he turned to a teen orphan after the passing of his grandma in the stone house.

Trap (困)

Trap (困)

Ten Years

After months of anticipation, the (in)famous 2015 Hong Kong best film, Ten Years finally made its way to NYC in its North American premiere featured by the NY Asian Film Festival last night. Despite the fact that the film was conveniently dropped by the Hong Kong government in its press release about NYAFF, the sold-out New York crowd gave it an enthusiastic welcome last night. Audiences on stand-by were allowed to join without chairs, who filled the space surrounding the seats in the Lincoln Center's Walter Reade Theater.  All five directors who came for the premiere chose to watch the film with the New Yorkers in the theater rather than the Independence Day's fireworks over the East River. Coincidentally, one of the five stories was about people's fight for independence of Hong Kong. I definitely saw indoor fireworks without regrets.

Producers and Directors of Ten Years in NYAFF

Producers and Directors of Ten Years in NYAFF

Ten Years is added to the list of Hong Kong productions that I watched in the last few years. The short list also includes Ann Hui's A Simple Life and Ip Man 3. The three completely different and yet well regarded films share a common theme, ordinary people's struggle in times of change: in the colonial period (Ip Man 3), the present (A Simple Life) and the future (Ten Years). While Ten Years is categorized as a drama, the five short stories that made up the movie are more like thrillers orchestrated nicely together to paint a picture of the bleak future of one of the greatest cities. 

The overwhelming reception from the audience turned this award winning HK$500k (US$64k) production into a HK$6 million (US$770k) box office hit among less than a handful of cinemas that dared to show it in Hong Kong. The figure does not include the ongoing community screenings (well attended events), three dozens and counting.

Ten Years is indeed thought-provoking for Hongkongers and beyond. With various actual events happened in the last six months in Hong Kong, including the Causeway Bay booksellers, etc., the harsh reality may have arrived much earlier than 2025 predicted by the film. Some said that the success of Ten Years is a wake-up call for some people of Hong Kong and its government. I consider it a roar of the unheard in a city without democracy.

Guide (導)

《導》 跟著從窗引入的光,登上了石屋的閣樓,回望時才覺擦到每一梯級都有不同灰度,不其然想起 晏殊 的「蝶戀花」一詞中兩句:「獨上高樓,望盡天涯路。」假若爸爸見到這情景,不知他回望之餘,有何感想呢?

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (16)

Guide: It was the light that guided me up the stairs for this image.  But, when I was standing on top of it, I suddenly thought, "Had my dad stood there with me, what would he feel about all the steps that he had taken in his life."

Guide (導)

Guide ()

Window (窗)

《窗》 爸爸兒時住在何家園石屋。每天早上起來,可能他也是從這窗向外望。世界這麼大,對年少的他也只是局限於這窗框內。

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (15)

Window: Perhaps, this is the same view that my father had as a child in the historical Stone Houses.  The outside world for him was confined by the frame of this window.

Window (窗)

Window (窗)

Kitchen (廚)


《廚》 何家園石屋重修前的露天廚房及廁所。一幅不簡單的構圖,但帶出了從前簡單的生活方式。跟我們今天城市人追求的成了一個強烈對比。

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (14)

Kitchen: This is a complex composition of the Stone Houses before renovation.  Life back then was pretty simple, a bed with a kitchen and bathroom with no shelter.  We seem to have made things complicated as we grow.

Kitchen (廚)

Kitchen (廚)

Beams (樑)


My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (13)

Beams: Like the Stone House, these beams have witnessed over 100 years of Kowloon City history.  The traditional concept of “build to last” seems to have gone out of fashion these days.

Beams (樑)

Beams (樑)

Mansion (宅)


My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (12)
Mansion: My father's boss lived in this house.  Even though my father was merely a driver, his boss was very kind to us.  To certain extent, it's was almost like an extension of the family.  Apparently, similar kindness from employers is harder to find in Hong Kong.

Mansion (宅)

Mansion (宅)

Pavilion (亭)


My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (11)
Pavilion: My father took me here when I was a little boy.  My memory of the Radar Hill was this pavilion.

11. Pavilion (亭)

11. Pavilion (亭)

Emptiness (虛)


My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (10)
Emptiness: My father liked to play chess.  This is my version of the “empty chair.”

10. Emptiness (虛)

10. Emptiness (虛)

Promise (諾)


》在衙前圍村中見到這情景,不禁聯想到以前在這裡幾百年世代相傳的家庭;夫婦的承諾;父母的愛。盡管家園已被摧毀,這雙椅子仍在從前的樓梯下依傍在一起。猷如蘇軾的《水調歌頭》中最後幾句:「… 人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。但願人長久,千里共嬋娟。」


My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (9)

Promise: There was a house once stood here in Nga Tsin Wai Walled Village, with trace of a stair case to the second floor.  Now that the house is gone, the two chairs still stick together. Perhaps, it's because of a "promise."

9. Promise (諾)

9. Promise (諾)

Envy (羡)




My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (6)

Envy: My father could not afford to go to school.  He mentioned that he used to watch students getting through this gate, perhaps from where I took this image.  Even though we had moved out of Kowloon City, father insisted that his grandkids should attend this school. Based on this, I believe that my father should have some special feeling about this school.

6. Envy (羨)

6. Envy (羨)

Film (戲)



My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (4)

Film: I met Mr. Wong two weeks before the closure of his store after 60 years of operation.  The landlord did not even try to negotiate with him, just simply kicked him out.  In the face of the adversity, Mr. Wong maintained his signature smile the entire time when I talked to him.  And he kept repeating, “Life is like a movie, movies reflect lives."  For me, such positive energy is probably the "Lion Rock Spirit" at its best.

4. Film (戲)

4. Film (戲)

Co-exist (容)



My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (3)

Co-exist:  Banyan relies on another plant to begin its life, i.e., an epiphyte and its host. The two co-exist for a while until the banyan on the outside suffocates the host.  The host gets rotten and turns into a shelter for little animals. This phenomenon could be related to the current state of Hong Kong that its core values are under threat metaphorically.

3. Co-exist (容) 

3. Co-exist (容) 

Gray (灰)

》乾淨無雜物,春天盛開的炮仗花使長長的九龍城特色後巷更覺清閑、優雅。相片左邊有一道白牆襯托出深灰的花,對照出右半的陰影中央那一道光。這「白中有黑,黑中有白」「世事無絶對」的概念可代表當下一部份香港人的想法。拍下這相後我可以意會到諾貝爾文學獎得主 安德烈·紀德 (André Gide) 說的:「灰是事實的顏色。」

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (2)
Gray: This frame was taken in a back alley that is unique to Kowloon City. In this image, there is a white spot in the black area on the right and vice versa on the left. I have a feeling that this notion, i.e., “nothing is absolute” reflects the current state of mind of many people in Hong Kong.  The quote "The color of truth is gray" by André Gide, a French Nobel literature laureate may be appropriate for describing this sentiment.

2. Gray (灰)

2. Gray (灰)

Wait (等)

My Father's Kowloon City photography exhibition (1)
Wait: Bus route No. 1 passes through Kowloon City.  It shows that Kowloon City was an important place back in the time when Kowloon Motor Bus was founded. The building next to the bus stop is a typical residential style popular during the heydays of Kowloon City.  This type of building is quickly disappearing across Hong Kong. It probably is a matter of time for them to be extinct, so goes our history (if nothing is done). This first image gives a sense of urgency of the subject matter. Shall we wait or shall we do something to protect our legacy.

1. Wait (等)

1. Wait (等)

Book Review by China Daily

The My Father's KowloonCity project provides an opportunity for me to appreciate the beauty and power of the synergy from technologies of different generations: century old Stone Houses with an annex equipped with multimedia exhibition capabilities; a 50 year-old camera with modern lenses; Kodak Tri-X films with Piezography digital printing; etc. In addition to local Chinese media coverages, a review of the book and exhibition from China Daily today sums up nicely:

